Mirko Santoro


Chercheur linguistique SFL- CNRS -Université Paris 8 – UMR 7023




Articles de revues à comité de lecture

  • Schlenker, P., Bonnet, M., Lamberton, J., Lamberton, J., Chemla, E., Santoro, M., & Geraci, C. (2022). Iconic Syntax: Sign Language Classifier Predicates and Gesture Sequences. Linguistics and Philosophy
  • Cecchetto, C., Checchetto, A., Giustolisi, B., & Santoro, M. Age of exposure and subject/object asymmetries when wh-movement goes rightward: the case of LIS interrogatives. Sign Language & Linguistics. (2021)
  • Santoro, M. (2019). Compounds in sign languages: The case of Italian and French Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics, 22(2), 291-297
  • Aristodemo V. e Santoro M. (2018) Iconic components as gestural elements: the case of LIS. Short commentary on ‘Visible Meaning: Sign Language and the Foundations of Semantics’ su Schlenker Philippe. Theoretical Linguistics
  • Cecchetto, C., Checchetto, A., Geraci, C., Santoro, M., & Zucchi, S. (2015). The syntax of predicate ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Lingua, 166, 214-235, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2014.12.011
  • Schlenker, Philippe; Aristodemo, Valentina; Ducasse, Ludovic; Lamberton, Jonathan; Santoro, Mirko: (2014). The Unity of Focus: Evidence from Sign Language. (2016) Linguistic Inquiry. 47 :2 , 363-381
  • Schlenker, P. Lamberton, J. Santoro, M. Iconic Variables (2013), Linguistics & Philosophy 36(2): 91-149

Chapitres d’ouvrages

  • Santoro, Mirko and Trovato, Sara. « 12b Academic matters. The Deaf perspective: Difficulties and proposed solutions ». The Social Condition of Deaf People: The Story of a Woman and a Hearing Society, edited by Sara Trovato and Anna Folchi, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2022, pp. 349-370. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110763140-024
  • Morphology Chapter 1: Compounding in A grammar of Italian Sign Language Eds. Chiara Branchini & Lara Mantovan (2020)
  • Santoro, M. and Poletti F. L’annotazione del corpus. In Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto e Caterina Donati (eds), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS, Franco Angeli, Milano 69-78
  • Conte, G., Santoro, M., Geraci, C., & Cardinaletti, A. (2011). Perché alzi le sopracciglia? Le funzioni linguistiche marcate dal sollevamento in LIS. . In Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto and Caterina Donati (eds), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS, Franco Angeli, Milano 161-70

Actes de colloques

  • Geraci, Carlo, Marloes Oomen & Mirko Santoro. 2022. As strong as an NPI in LSF, NGT and LIS. In John R. Starr, Kim Juhyae & Öney Burak (eds.), SALT 32, 125–143. Mexico City: LSA. doi:10.3765/salt.v1i0.5353
  • Mirko Santoro, Valentina Aristodemo. A preliminary study on causatives in Italian Sign Language. FEAST. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory, 4, pp.139-149, 2021
  • Conte, G., Santoro, M., Geraci, C., & Cardinaletti, A. (2010). Why are you raising your eyebrows? In Proceedings of Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), (pp. 53-56)
  • Carlo, Geraci, et al. Cecchetto Carlo, Donati Caterina, Giudice Serena, Mereghetti Emiliano, Poletti Fabio, Santoro Mirko, Zucchi Sandro. Building a corpus for Italian Sign Language: Methodological issues and some preliminary results (2010): 98-101

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